ONGC-Jobs Notification Sep 2011|ONGC-Application/Eligibility
Employer’s Address
Notification Released
22nd Sep, 2011.
Types of Posts
1. Field Operator (Winch Operator)
2. Field Operator (HV Operator)
3. Field Operator
4. Junior Fire Supervisor
5. Junior Security Supervisor
6. Junior Asst Technician
7. Junior Asst Technician
8. Junior Asst Technician
9. Junior Asst Technician
10. Junior Asst Technician
11. Junior Asst Technician
12. Junior Asst Technician
13. Junior Asst Technician
14. Junior Asst Technician
15. Asst GD. III (MM)
16. Security Supervisor
17. Asst GD. III (Transport)
18. Asst Technician (Fitting)
19. Asst Technician (Instrument)
20. Asst Technician (Electrical)
21. Draftsman GD. III (Civil)
22. Technical Asst. GD. III
How to Apply
Applications should be in the
prescribed format with all enclosures & can be sent to “ONGC, Gujarat”.
Important Dates
Last Date for submission of Application forms
Official Site